I have a new post up over at Ace of Spades about why Obamacare is different from the usual anti-GOP tropes put forward by the Democrats, and why they should be very, very afraid:
1) How many of you know someone who died in Hurricane Katrina? (Just thought I’d get that out of the way.)
2) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was a valid registered voter and who was denied the chance to vote due to Voter ID laws?
3) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was unable to afford birth control due to a lack of health insurance?
. . .
8) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who had their existing health insurance policy cancelled as a result of Obamacare, and who are now looking at options that are more expensive and have higher deductibles? (My own hand goes up.)
Go read the whole things. ..bruce w..